The outbreak of Corona virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged and spread rapidly throughout the world. As of July 13, 2020, 289,603 cases of COVID-19 have been reported and 44,819 peoples had died from this disease in United Kingdom.

Now, many international trading companies in UK are looking for sanitising products such as hand sanitizers and bleach, hoping to help UK to avoid the spread of the viruses as much as possible. However, it’s become such a sought-after product that pharmacies and supermarkets have started limiting the number that people can buy at one time. Many places doesn’t have local suppliers to meet the demand. Though hand sanitisers can help reduce our risk of catching certain infections, not all hand sanitisers are equally effective against coronavirus. CLEACE 75% alochol-based hand santiser has the most effective formula. The 75% alcohol concentration permeates virus protein outright. The right amount of time before it totally evaporates makes it most effective in killing germs. On the other hand, alcohol would dry your skin out very quickly and cause it to become irritated. That’s why CLEACE contain emollients which are mixtures that help soften and moisturise your skin.

Every year, Aogrand sells tons of sanitising products to UK that helps millions of families stay safe and protected during flu season. And today we still offer speedy delivery, air transportation and 24 hours customer service to wholesale and retail customers, albeit the world is slowing down due to the pandemic. In addition, we provide OEM service to brands with the ability to customise formula and other specifications, lowest price guaranteed.
CLEACE YOUR HANDS, it’s truly effective.
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