Officials in Brazil announced the first case of a blood borne virus infection on Thursday. A man who was shot by an infected Zika virus in blood donors of blood, the blood donors were initially misdiagnosed as suffering from dengue fever. According to the "New York Times" message, they are Brazil check if there is a possibility of repeated reports of cases of microcephaly. Since the Zika virus outbreak, Brazil reported 4800 cases of suspected cases of microcephaly. However, only 17 cases of children were detected as positive for the virus. In addition, in the detection of cases officially diagnosed microcephaly cases only 404 cases, other 709 cases have been excluded. Officials are still investigating the remaining 3700 cases of suspected cases. In order to reduce the false positive cases, the Ministry of health in Brazil are considering lowering the diagnostic criteria of microcephaly, that boy birth head circumference upper threshold is 31.9cm, the girl is 31.5cm. In the state of Florida, the governor announced a total of 9 cases of tourism related cases in 4 counties in the state, called attention to the public health emergencies.
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