In daily life, you need to work to learn, you can't do without pen, clothes can accidentally run into ink, especially a new dress, when you encounter a lot of good mood.Don't worry.As a qualified washing powder wholesale, I will give you some effective ways to remove the ink stains on your clothes.

1, Use detergent or detergent to clean again, first with medicinal alcohol swab again, then again water, if not clean, with mustard daub on it at the end of the ink will slowly fade.
2, Toothpaste on the ink stain, put a little water scrub, then add detergent or laundry detergent, and rub it again, after the ink removing, a clear water again.
3,Soak ink stains with warm milk, after ten minutes, scrub with the hand, if you still go out of ink, and coated with soap, rub a rub in mixed with a little water, then the ink will slowly faded.
4. If the ink stain lasts longer, it will be more difficult to clean it. Can also try to rub with buttercups and buds of bitter apricot kernel, of course, rushes to immerse into liquid, and then the ink soak in half the clock, with a bitter almond scrub, so stubborn ink would slowly faded.
5,Soak the ink in cold water, add laundry detergent or detergent scrub, then daub some glycerin, put one to two minutes, and then use sunlight warm soapy water to soak, with the hand rub, so
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