According to the briefing, this patient, male, 34 years old, Ganzhou, Ganxian City, Jiangxi Province, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, a company staff, before the onset of the history of Venezuela travel. Patients in Venezuela in January 28th fever accompanied by dizziness, headache, had received outpatient treatment at a local hospital, in February 2nd after the departure from Venezuela, via China Hongkong SAR, Guangdong Province, Shenzhen City, Jiangxi Province, Ganzhou City, arrived in Ganxian on the 5 day, treated in isolation in infectious diseases unit 6, income of Ganxian people's hospital. 9, the National Guard Planning Commission expert group according to the epidemiological history, clinical manifestations and Chinese Center for Disease Control and prevention in patients from review of test results, confirmed the case of China's first village input card virus infections. At present, the national health and Family Planning Commission of Jiangxi, Guangdong and other provinces are guiding the health and Family Planning Commission in accordance with the relevant requirements of treatment and prevention, preventive measures, to prevent the spread of the epidemic spread.
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