The Zika virus was first isolated from macaques in the Zika forest in Uganda in 1947. Currently, genotypes are divided into two types: Asian and African, with records found in central Africa, southeast Asia and India. Only a few cases of human cases were reported in the past until the outbreak of a cluster outbreak in yap island in Micronesia in 2007 was known to have a greater understanding of the disease. At present, experts believe that Zika virus is a circulating cycle of mosquito-borne mosquitoes and primates, but detailed virus transmission needs to be further studied.

According to the data (CDC) of the disease, at this stage in the Americas, the Caribbean and other 26 countries in Nazca virus, Oceania, Pacific region and Africa also have news from the virus, the global accumulated 29 countries affected by the Nazca virus.
Q1: How is Zika transmitted?
At present is mainly through Egypt spot mosquitoes (Aedes species) spreading, pregnant women may also have the virus to the fetus, but the academic circles about how the virus affects pregnant women and fetal remains unclear, at this stage no case is so because of breastfeeding to virus infection. In a handful of cases, patients were infected with the Zika virus because of blood transfusions and intercourse.
Q2: How do you know the Zika virus?
3 to 7 days after infection (up to 12 days), may start to symptoms such as fever merger maculopapular, joint pain or conjunctivitis (eye), etc., sometimes have a headache, eye socket after muscle soreness and pain. Compared with dengue, the symptoms are mild, with only a handful of severe cases reported. The current test of the virus is through a blood sampling test, using high-tech molecular techniques to test for Zika virus in patients' blood.
Q3: How do you treat Zika?
There is no vaccine to prevent Zika infection, so it is the main prevention method to avoid mosquito bites.
Q4: How to prevent Zika virus?
At this stage, the most effective protection mechanism is to start from the number of mosquito control vectors and prevent mosquito bites, especially pregnant women. The effective way to prevent mosquito bites is to use a range of mosquito repellent methods, such as our mosquito coils, which can help you prevent mosquitoes effectively.
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