Taipei in August 4, Taiwan's disease control department, said on the 4, a 43 year old female Zika virus infection in Taiwan. This is the fourth case of the local emergence of the case of the case of the virus outside the walled card, but also for the first time there are local people were infected. Comprehensive cna, when the electronic newspaper and other media reports in Taiwan, disease management department, from February 21st to July 22nd of this year to the female Lucia, with her husband in July 24th to return to Taiwan, the medical 26, nausea and vomiting, have a fever, runny nose, joint pain and muscle pain and other symptoms after 29 days; because of the face, body rash again hospitalized and informed the sampling; August 3rd confirmed Zika virus infection. Disease management department said that the virus gene and French Martinique, the Panama, Columbia virus infected women were similar; currently infected symptoms have been reduced, and 4 people lived with her no symptoms of infection.It is reported that pregnant women infected with HIV risk is relatively high, but the infection of the virus is not pregnant women. Up to now, Taiwan, a total of 4 cases of the case of the case of the virus outside the walled card, the first 3 cases were detected in January 19th, May 21st and June 6th, respectively. Among them, two cases of Thailand man, third cases of Indonesian fishermen.
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